Zöld Izrael » Bejegyzés cimkék"water"
Students saving Water and Electricity – Sviva Israel Eco Connection
Students of the Solomon Schechter Academy of Ocean and Monmouth explain how they encouraged their fellow students to save electricity and water as part of the Arad-Tamar/New Jersey-Delaware Partnership 2000 Eco Connection project, run by Sviva Israel. Forrás: http://www.youtube.com/user/svivaisrael … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Környezet, Környezetvédelem
Timna Park – a desert oasis

KKL JNF hosted a spectacular happening in Timna Park to celebrate the lake expansion and the infrastructure developments that have transformed the park into a desert oasis. On Thursday, June 6, 2011, KKL JNF hosted a spectacular happening in Timna Park to celebrate the expansion of the lake and the extensive infrastructure developments that have transformed the park into a gorgeous desert oasis. The event was organized and financed with the assistance of KKL JNF … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Nemzeti parkok, Természet
Environmental Protection

Israel, with a population that has increased from 800,000 in 1948 to 5.6 million today, is the only developed country in the world in which population continues to grow against a backdrop of population density. In fact, according to Israel’s master plan for the 21st century, Israel, in the area north of Be’er Sheva (where 92% of the population is concentrated), will be the most densely populated country in the world within thirty years – … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Környezet, Környezetvédelem