Télen is fűt a méhsejtes napkollektor

Hidegebb éghajlaton és korlátozott napfény esetén is jó teljesítménnyel készít használati meleg vizet az az izraeli fejlesztésű méhsejtes napkollektor, amely bekerülhet az év legjobb megújulóenergia-innovációi közé. A használati meleg víz készítésre ma jellemzően síkkollektort vagy vákuumcsöves kollektort alkalmaz, aki a napenergiát hasznosítja. A Tigi izraeli cég által fejlesztett napkollektor a méhsejt szerkezetéhez hasonlító áttetsző szigetelőréteggel rendelkezik, amelynek köszönhetően ötször több energiát lehet vele előállítani, mint egy síkkollektorral. Az élettartama pedig kétszerese a fejlettebbnek tartott vákuumcsöves készüléknek, nagyjából 20 … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Innováció, Kutatás, Természetes erőforrások, Zöld energia
Storing Solar Energy in Rust, From Israel

Scientists at Technion, Israel’s institute of technology recently found a new way to store solar energy. Their method utilizes a substance that some of us are all too familiar with, iron oxide– otherwise known as rust. This research entitled Resonant light trapping in ultrathin films for water was published in the November 11, 2012 issue of Nature Materials and may help solve the problem of solar energy storage by enabling a more efficient and direct conversion between solar energy … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Innováció, Kutatás, Természetes erőforrások, Zöld energia
$9 Cardboard Bike from Israel Going to Market

Could it be a world-changer? A cheap solution to help African kids get to schools and clinics? Israel’s Izhar Gafni had an outlandish idea to create a durable cardboard bike from scratch with raw materials sum totalling about $9. Add in some labor costs and you can get a pretty cheap ride, one worth buying in a world where bike theft is rampant. News reports are circling around the world that Gafni’s cardboard bike (see photos here) is headed to market. No doubt … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Hulladékfeldolgozás, Innováció, Zöld energia
Tiny Electric Vehicle Rental Program Could Reduce Tel Aviv Pollution

The Tel Aviv municipality is considering a plan to rent out small electric vehicles on a short term basis to cut down on air pollution, clear the roads and free up parking. Building on the success of its Tel-o-Fun bike sharing program and a similar launch in Paris, the city will send out an international tender for an operator some time during 2013. Director General of the municipality Menahem Leibe announced the plan at a recent budget meeting in the … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Környezetvédelem, Zöld energia
Haifa Christmas Tree Made From Over 5,000 Recycled Plastic Bottles

The city of Haifa, in northern Israel, has Jewish, Christian, Baha’i and Muslim residents, and so many religious holidays are celebrated there. In honor of the upcoming Christmas holiday, the Haifa Municipality approached local artist Hadas Itzcovitch about creating a Christmas tree for the city. Unfortunately (and perhaps symbolically) the tree went up the day the catastrophic Carmel fires began in the region. And so as 5000 hectares of natural trees were burning in the area, … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Hulladékfeldolgozás, Zöld építészet
US companies save energy with Israeli ingenuity
Providing the right voltage: Eran Tagor, CEO of PowerSines. With its energy efficient devices for lighting and machines, Israel’s Power Electronics can reduce your carbon footprint without an overhaul of existing infrastructure. If the Swiss do business with them, they must be doing something right, reasons Eran Tagor, CEO of PowerSines. Founded in 1980 it’s doing more than impressing the discriminating Swiss. With a staff of 55, the company supplies two main products to municipalities and businesses across the globe: the LEC (Lighting Efficient Controller) for retail and street lighting, and the SinuMEC (Sinusoidal Motor Efficiency Controller) that reduces the operating and electrical costs for electric motors in machines and technology. FedEx, Macy’s, Pepperidge Farms and TimBar are just a few US clients who have adopted PowerSines’ energy saving solutions for lighting and … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Zöld energia, Zöld Tech
Intel Israel goes ‘green’ with new Haifa building

Country’s first LEED-certified structure allows significant savings on energy. The future of office buildings arrived here on Tuesday, as Intel Israel dedicated the country’s first LEED-certified green building in Haifa. The NIS 450 million structure was awarded the second-highest rating, Gold, in the American LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification system. It also conforms to the Standards Institution of Israel standard 5281 for green building. The structure was inaugurated in a gala ceremony attended by … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Zöld építészet, Zöld Tech
Israel’s Solar Industry: Reclaiming a Legacy of Success

The Middle East is burgeoning with new investments in renewable energy and climate change mitigation. Egypt aims to produce 20% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020 with a substantial contribution from wind energy. [viii] The United Arab Emirates set a renewable energy target of 7% by 2020. [v] As other Middle Eastern nations adopt plans to shift towards the use of renewable energy, Israel set its target at 5% … Teljes cikk »
“To Build and be Built”

Alternative/natural Building at Kibbutz Lotan Environmental conditions of desert life have throughout the ages necessitated a nomadic life style for those who chose to settle the desert. Attempts to force the desert to yield to human will have not always been successful over the long term. Experiments that try to integrate the natural logic of desert surroundings in architectural and environmental planning have had more success in building sustainable settlement in the desert. The Arava Valley … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Zöld építészet, Zöld Tech
Áramot termel az autópálya

A járművek tömegüknél és mozgási energiájuknál fogva folyamatosan hatást gyakorolnak az úttest burkolatára. Ez a hatás elsősorban nyomás és vibráció. Az ilyen formában elnyelődő energia veszendőbe megy. Az izraeli Innowattech cég kutatóinak eljárásával azonban jelentős része árammá alakítható. Az Állami Autópálya Kezelő Zrt. kísérleti jelleggel már idén telepíteni szeretné egy hazai autópálya-szakaszon a rendszert. A ra’ananai székhelyű Innowattech alternatív energiatermelő rendszerének lelkét a cég által kifejlesztett piezoelektromos generátorok új generációja alkotja (Innowattech Piezo Elektric Generator – … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Zöld energia, Zöld Tech