Zöld Izrael » Környezetvédelem
Tiny Electric Vehicle Rental Program Could Reduce Tel Aviv Pollution

The Tel Aviv municipality is considering a plan to rent out small electric vehicles on a short term basis to cut down on air pollution, clear the roads and free up parking. Building on the success of its Tel-o-Fun bike sharing program and a similar launch in Paris, the city will send out an international tender for an operator some time during 2013. Director General of the municipality Menahem Leibe announced the plan at a recent budget meeting in the … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Környezetvédelem, Zöld energia
Students saving Water and Electricity – Sviva Israel Eco Connection
Students of the Solomon Schechter Academy of Ocean and Monmouth explain how they encouraged their fellow students to save electricity and water as part of the Arad-Tamar/New Jersey-Delaware Partnership 2000 Eco Connection project, run by Sviva Israel. Forrás: http://www.youtube.com/user/svivaisrael … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Környezet, Környezetvédelem
New Fire Truck to Help Protect the Carmel

“Fires do not distinguish between one person and another. During the terrible fire that raged here in the Carmel Forest, representatives from twenty different countries came to Israel to help us, including firefighters from the Palestinian Authority, and there was a powerful sense of solidarity.” KKL-JNF World Chairman Efi Stenzler was speaking at the dedication ceremony of a unique new ya’arit fire truck in the Carmel Forest, near the Carmel Forest Spa Hotel, at the … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Környezet, Környezetvédelem
Israel Arbor Day Concentrates More on Green Development Projects

Is Hiriya Israel’s national eco-symbol? It looks more that way Although the just completed Tu Bishvat celebration in Israel included many tree planting ceremonies, especially on the site of recent disastrous Carmel Forest wildfires, Israel’s annual Arbor Day for 2011 had more emphasis on “greening” former landfills, such as the Hiriya garbage mountain, east of Tel Aviv. The former “mega dump” is now being turned in one of the largest ecological parks in … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Környezet, Környezetvédelem
Tourism and Environmental Protection Ministers Recommend Dead Sea Salt Harvest

Israel Environmental Protection Minister Gilad Erdan and Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov will present a plan for saving the southern basin of the Dead Sea for government approval. The plan calls for saving the Dead Sea hotels from flooding by means of salt harvesting. Environmental Protection Minister Erdan: “Global policy requires integration between economic interests and development and environmental issues. We cannot merely focus on development but must leave natural resources and the ability to enjoy them … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Környezet, Környezetvédelem
Environmental Protection

Israel, with a population that has increased from 800,000 in 1948 to 5.6 million today, is the only developed country in the world in which population continues to grow against a backdrop of population density. In fact, according to Israel’s master plan for the 21st century, Israel, in the area north of Be’er Sheva (where 92% of the population is concentrated), will be the most densely populated country in the world within thirty years – … Teljes cikk »
Kategória: Környezet, Környezetvédelem